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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

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The FEE Factor Formula


Turn 1 gig into 100.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option.


All you have to do is fill out your information, tell them about your speech, and they'll do all the work of finding you the best gigs.


But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.


‍And there is.


‍It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it.


‍In fact, we'll give you the 6 steps to finding these important people in your specific niche or fractal.


This works for both brand-new speakers and experienced speakers who want to get their clients excited about a new speech.


We'll show you exactly how to turn 1 gig into 100 and build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.


You'll learn:


• The 2 essential keys to building a healthy pipeline of new gigs.


• How to earn that FIRST set of gigs that gets everything flowing (these can be the hardest gigs to land, but we'll give you the exact steps you need to take).


• 7 different ways to find the right speaking opportunities (without wasting time using Call for Speakers forms or Speaker Bureaus!)


• How to subdivide your audiences to branch into more valuable fractals where your message will resonate with new audiences.


• The 1 thing you should NEVER do when trying to land gigs (it destroys your chances of getting booked).


Escape the roller coaster of emotions that comes from the unpredictability of the speaking business.


Break free from the constant feast-or-famine cycle that so many of us have experienced at one point or another.


When you learn how to create a constant stream of inquiries flowing into your business, you'll always know when you'll be busy, when you're available, and how much revenue you can expect in the coming months.


Assets: The Big Four

So many speakers try to establish credibility and increase their expertise in the speaking world by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand.


It's reasonable to think that creating valuable content like blog posts, articles, YouTube videos, and podcasts is a good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content, reaching out to your audience, and networking on social media... without seeing any results.


Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.


‍But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.


‍Instead of focusing on your brand and your website or your latest book, we need to focus on the event organizer. What are they looking for? What kind of experience do they want to provide their audience? What is valuable and important to them?


When you think about your credibility, expertise, and fame from the event organizers’ perspective, you'll be able to better connect with event organizers and understand what’s going on inside their heads.


And that's exactly what we'll show you how to do. You’ll step into the shoes of an event planner and discover how they think and how they plan huge, successful events.


• You'll discover the 4 types of speakers that event planners love to hire (and how to be the type of speaker that event planners LOVE).


• You'll dive into the 8 planning phases event organizers go through when planning an event (and how much pressure to use when contacting them in each phase).


• We’ll even give you 14 example emails that you can send during each of those 8 phases (you’ll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it).


Instead of creating more content for your speaker website, you'll create the 4 essential assets you need to get booked.


‍One of them is game-changing for your speaking business.


It’s your discussion document.


‍This is the secret weapon that lets you win gig after gig. And we’re going to take you step by step to help you create it.


We're going to show you:


• The 4 discussion document rules (if you break one of these rules, your discussion document just won’t have the same punch).


• The 7 essential parts of an effective discussion document, and we’ll walk you step by step as we create each part together (and, here’s a hint, one of them is your session description!)


• How to make your event organizers feel like they are getting the red carpet treatment.


• Where the discussion document fits into your overall sales process (and how to use it so that it actually works).


And you’ll even get a link to Andrew's real-life discussion document web page sample so you can see the content, organization, and design in action. And we’ll give you 2 more examples from real speakers just like you.


Plus, we'll show you how to create another essential asset for your speaking business: your speaker agreement.


There are 12 essential sections you need, and as a special bonus, we're going to give you 4 helpful hints to make yours stand out... and make it super easy for event organizers to sign.


Here's a little secret: what you’re going to learn in this course are things that very, very few speakers actually do.


When you send your completed discussion document to your client, it’ll shock them, amaze them, and position you as the BEST option for their event. It can even persuade people you’ve never met to choose you.


‍That’s why it’s the secret weapon that wins you gig after gig.


‍And when you find out how easy it is to create, you won’t believe it. It’s game-changing for your speaking business.


Those are just two of the essential assets you need. We'll reveal the other two and show you exactly how to create them, how to use them in your sales process, and how to use them to land any gig.


You'll leave this course armed with the 4 assets that increase your brand value and establish your worth in the eyes of event organizers.


Timing Is Everything

If you've ever felt lost on your speaking business journey, you're not alone. As a professional speaker, you know your final destination – you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.


But when an inquiry comes in and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech, what do you do next?


‍What are the exact steps you need to take to land the gig?


Whether you're trying to land your first gig or your fiftieth gig, it can be challenging to know what steps to take next, and when to take them. And without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.


‍But it doesn't have to be that way.


‍Not when you have the perfect map: a detailed and efficient sales process.


You’ll know exactly what to do and when to do it.


Having a structured, reliable, and repeatable approach for managing inquiries and leads and turning them into booked speaking engagements is the key to winning more gigs, more often.


That's why we're going to guide you through the entire sales process, from start to finish. And you'll do it with the Gig-in-a-week Simulation!


During the simulation, you’ll:


• Receive inquiries from several different mock event organizers


• Make initial contact with event organizers


• Complete a client theme call


• Use your negotiation skills to negotiate a fee


• Deliver your session description and speaker agreement


And hopefully, you’ll land the gig!


You see, a detailed and effective sales process is your road map to speaking on the biggest keynote stages. That's why we're going to help you outline your entire sales process and give you step-by-step instructions for following up in a timely and efficient manner to guide the event organizer all the way to the final sale.


We'll also explain the reason why the speaker’s sales process is unique from almost all other sales processes–and exactly how you need to adjust your sales approach.  


A clear and efficient sales process that guides event organizers from the first spark of interest to a signed speaker agreement is the key to getting on more stages and sharing your message with more audiences.


But to get on more stages, more often, you're going to need to do a little customization.


Most speakers out there will tell you that to be able to engage and connect with your audience, you need to tailor your content, stories, and speech to their specific needs and interests.


And many speakers do just that. They spend the weeks and months before the event creating an almost new speech for their audience, one that's special and unique just for them.


But here's the secret:


‍You shouldn't customize your entire speech for each new event.


‍In fact, a really experienced meeting planner will actually be nervous if you tell them you’re planning to customize your speech.  


Because they know that a fully customized speech can’t reliably deliver the same great experience to their audience.


The fastest way to a secure spot on the keynote stage is with a refined speech, one that you perform over and over at every event where you're booked.


You won't customize your entire speech for each new event. Instead, you'll customize only specific parts–saving you time, energy and, most importantly of all, helping you create a referable speech faster.


That's why we're going to show you:


• The exact question you need to ask your event organizer to discover how they feel about customized speeches (and how to respond to win the gig).


• The exact parts of your speech that you can modify (and the 3 parts that should always stay the same).


• The one thing (that's not your speech) that you should definitely customize for every different event (and the 6 steps to do just that).


• The 3 “customization” options you can use to keep your event organizers happy and eliminate the stress and work of customizing your speech for every event (option #3 is the easiest of all... and it takes less than 30 minutes!)


When you understand the customization paradox and know exactly how to talk to event planners about customized speeches, you'll be ten steps ahead of the majority of speakers.


You'll save valuable time, be able to refine your speech faster and more efficiently, and you'll keep your audience and event planners happy by consistently providing a spectacular experience onstage.


And speaking of customization, we'll also show you exactly how to create your best marketing tool as a speaker: your customized session description!


‍To help you create a powerful, persuasive session description:


• We'll reveal the 3 things that every strong session description has, along with 3 real-life examples from some of our favorite professional speakers.


• We'll guide you through the 6 steps to writing a gig-winning session description.


• And after you write and submit your own unique session description for your speech, our Heroic Coaches will review it and give you feedback to make it even stronger and more persuasive.


With expert feedback, step-by-step instruction, and all the templates, timelines, follow-up processes, phone scripts, intros, and example emails you need for the speaker's sales process...


You'll have everything you need to win more gigs, more often.


Track. Manage. Follow up.

If your "business records" are a pile of manila folders, sticky notes, and multiple notebooks filled with event information...


Or if your attempts to create an online tracking system for your speaking info haven't gone as smoothly as you like...


Or if your "CRM" isn't relationship managing...


You're not alone. It's not easy to know what information should be saved. Keeping track of all your different events and speaking data can be challenging.


Most speakers only track the gigs that they book. The basics: the name of the event, where it is, the date, the fee they accepted, and the event organizer's information.


But there's so much more you should be keeping track of.


In fact, we're going to give you a spreadsheet with 64 simple data points you should be tracking.


The simple habit of tracking your business data helps you better understand your speaking business, gives you new insights, and helps you make smarter decisions.


And during the 12-week course, we're going to help you start tracking all the important information you need.


We're even going to give you 2 professional tracking tools that you can use to organize and register all your speaking data.


When you start tracking your speaking data, you'll be able to:


• Know when the perfect time to increase your fees is for you specifically (this is different for everyone, but after analyzing your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when you should do it).


• Onboard new team members faster and create a better business partnership (it'll be so much easier to train new members of your team and get them up to speed with your unique business processes).


• Negotiate with clients more effectively (because you'll know your average fee, your yearly revenue goals, and when your busy and slow months are).


• Set more realistic goals based on specific data (and achieve them faster).


The speaking industry can be hectic and unpredictable, but if you're tracking your speaking data, it doesn't have to be.


We'll give you all the tools you need to get your calendar and your speaking data under control–and make it work for you.


See the bigger picture. Make better business decisions. Start tracking your speaking data and make it work for you.


Velocity Philosophy

You've written, perfected, and rehearsed your speech. And you're ready to deliver it on stages (and on screens!).


Here's the thing: you have to get on stages and screens as fast as possible.


The faster you get on stage, the faster you'll be able to get the stageside leads and referrals that are essential for a sustainable speaking business.


But the truth is the industry is kind of working against you.


You might have even experienced it yourself. If you book a gig today, that gig is probably at least 90 days away (often it's even more!). That means you're still 3 months away from giving your speech for the first time.


And 3 months away from getting leads and referrals from your speech.


That's 3 more months of more searching, more rehearsing, and more waiting... without generating any new leads, without improving your speech, and without advancing in your speaking career.


But there's a way to get gigs fast... so instead of waiting 90 days to give your speech for the first time, you can get on stage (or on screen) next Thursday, in 10 days, or even tomorrow!


And it doesn't matter if you're a seasoned veteran who's got a new speech you want to debut or if you're an aspiring speaker who's just starting out...


You’ll discover the Velocity Philosophy is the key to booking new gigs fast... and creating a sustainable speaking business.


We'll uncover:


• The 3 Ps that will reveal the 3 main audiences you need to reach in order to book more gigs (faster than ever before).


• How to find creative ways to connect with willing audiences (so you can land fast speaking gigs).


• The hands-down best kind of rehearsal ever (and how to use it to iterate your speech and earn stageside referrals).


• The essential mindset shift you need in order to land fast gigs (don't be afraid of this 4-letter word).


We'll also tell you about one of your most important assets as a professional speaker: other speakers!


Referring other speakers for gigs is one of the best ways to maintain a strong relationship with your clients, and it's one of the best ways to find new speaking opportunities.


We're going to show you:


• How to double the amount of referrals you're getting now using a special asset that we like to call your “referral ring” (and we'll show you how to create your own).


• The 4 types of speakers you should have in your referral ring (this maximizes the number of referrals you receive).


• How to create the 5 things you need to be the easiest speaker to refer (other speakers will always choose to refer you to their clients if you have these 5 things).


‍Very few speakers give referrals the attention they deserve. When you have the secrets we’ll teach you here, you'll know exactly how to reach out to the right people to get gigs that aren't 90 days away.


We'll give you everything you need to get on stage, faster.


But we're not just going to give you the secrets. We're going to introduce you to the people, too.


‍The speakers you'll meet in this course are key to helping you build your speaking career fast.


‍They are the ones who will increase your speaking velocity.


And the best part is, you don't even have to look for them, or find them on your own–some of them will be right alongside you throughout this program (and maybe even for the rest of your speaking career).


You won't find anything like this anywhere else.


The Other Two-Thirds

After spending so much time and energy getting your clients to the signed speaker agreement phase of your sales process it's essential to create a world-class experience they'll always remember.


You have a unique idea that you want to share with the world. You've worked hard to craft a message that's inspiring and transformative. Your passion and charisma empower you to easily engage with the audience.


But it can be challenging to know exactly what to do before the day of the event, before you walk on stage or turn on your camera, and even after you finish your session.


Do you have a structured plan that tells you exactly what to do during the months leading up to the gig?


What do you do during the event to earn referrals and stageside leads?


How can you keep building the relationship with the event organizer after the gig?


Without a clear and organized plan that shows you exactly what to do before, during, and after the big day, it's challenging to stay on track and know what to do next. That's why we're going to show you...


‍How to “WOW” your clients, before, during, and after the gig.


‍We'll give you all the checklists, timelines, email templates, and to-do lists you need to give your client the best experience possible.


You'll be able to “WOW” your clients every step of the way when you know the 12 things you need to do before the event...


The 2 types of follow-up plans you need to have in place to keep nurturing the relationship with your event organizer...


And everything you need to do the day of the gig (including your tech check) to make sure your speech is a big success...both for you and your event organizer!


We'll show you how to do all of that. And you'll also discover:


• The one thing that annoys your event organizers more than anything while they're busy preparing for the big day (avoid this at all costs!).


• The 4 big goals you need to achieve in the time between the signed speaker agreement and the day of your speech–and how to do each one.


• How to cement yourself in your client’s mind as the easiest speaker they’ve ever had the pleasure to work with!


To help you achieve everything you need to do BEFORE the big day, we're going to...


• Give you the most complete, detailed, and accurate pre-event timeline and checklist with the 12 things you need to do before the date of the event arrives.


• Show you the secret trick to impressing your clients right after landing the gig–this will take you about an hour and a half, but it will build a client-relationship that will last you your whole career.


• Reveal how to make more people in your industry think you’re an expert–with just one simple video. And we’ll even take you through the 7 steps to create the video!


• Teach you the 5 elements of a strong intro script and the 3 keys to writing a successful intro script... and we'll even show you Andrew's intro script (one he's spent years perfecting!)


• Show you what a speaker resources page is, what the 6 essential elements that your speaker resources page needs… and how to make your own.


• Teach you one of the best ways to rehearse your speech–and the 5 steps for a successful rehearsal session. And that's not all. To make sure you earn as many stageside leads as possible DURING your speech, we're going to...


• Teach you the secret of compounding gigs (the key to building a sustainable speaking business).


• Show you exactly how to build a process designed to get you referrals. Learn how to earn one, or two, or three (or more!) other gigs at every event you speak at.


• Reveal the one specific referral technique you can use during your speech to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn. It's super easy to do... and we'll show you exactly how it’s done, and Andrew will even tell you the exact line he uses in his speech to make the whole thing work.


• Give you 7 other referral techniques that you can use to maximize the number of stageside leads you earn at your events.


• Reveal the 1 surprising thing the day of the gig that can make or break your client relationship.


• Give you “The Ultimate Tech-Check Checklist,” complete with 31 items that you can’t forget to check before getting on stage.


And finally, to help you keep nurturing the relationship with your clients AFTER the gig we're going to...


• Help you create 2 types of follow-up plans so you can keep building the relationships you worked so hard to create…


• Show you how to keep your past clients happy and satisfied so they can consider you for future events in the long term…


This will help you create a sustainable speaking business, take advantage of your relationships with event organizers, and secure you as one of their favorite speakers... one they can count on in the future.


The Sustainable Speaking Career

To build a fulfilling and long-lasting career as a professional speaker–one that gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, travel the world, and do what you love–you need to create a sustainable speaking business.


But the speaking industry can be unpredictable. It's a highly competitive market, and knowing how to make the right decisions to create a sustainable business is difficult.


Staying up to date with the latest market trends, adjusting to unexpected changes, and dealing with multiple clients at once can make planning for the future a challenge.


And many speakers simply don't have enough information about their own businesses to make the right decisions to create a sustainable speaking business.


‍Here's the truth: creating a sustainable business isn't about "marketing yourself." It's about finding a balance between the fee you quote and your demand in the marketplace.


That's why we're going to show you...


‍The secret for increasing your demand as a speaker.


‍When you discover how to generate demand for your speech, you'll be well on your way to building a sustainable speaking business.


And you'll realize that your time on stage isn’t just the end result of all your hard work and rehearsal time.  It’s actually a pathway that leads to even more inquiries and even higher demand!


You see, whether or not you generate more demand depends on just 1 thing. Lucky for you, it’s something that you control. We're going to tell you all about it and help you maximize this 1 thing to help you increase your demand.


We'll also tell you the key to planning your speaking calendar each year– if you don’t have this, you won’t know how or when to increase your fees and it will be almost impossible to make smart decisions for your business.


You'll discover:


• Exactly how many inquiries you need yearly for a sustainable speaking business...


• The perfect time to increase your fees (this is different for everyone, but after we help you start keeping track of your speaking data, you’ll know exactly when this is).


• The 5 essential questions you need to ask yourself BEFORE hiring an assistant or a salesperson (if you can’t answer “yes” to all 5 questions, you aren’t ready yet!).  


• The most important thing your team needs to understand (because if they don’t, it can ruin your relationships with your clients!).


• A list of EVERYTHING you should document in your speaking business (complete with 43 items you must document before adding anyone to your team).


• Why you actually want to lose about 50% of your inquiries due to price (we'll even draw it out for you on our Speaking Demand Curve).


• How to find the sweet spot for your speaking business (the perfect balance between your fee and your demand in the marketplace).


By the end of this program, you’ll know the specific steps you need to take to increase your demand…


And create a sustainable speaking business that thrives long into the future, giving you the life you've always dreamed of and more opportunities than you can possibly imagine.

Our Promise

Make the leap from breakout rooms to the keynote stage. Master the art of building a sustainable speaking career. Discover how to earn and multiply keynotes, refine your speeches, and increase your fee—all without the need for fame.

Discover The Formula For a Sustainable
Speaking Career

What turns a previously unknown keynoter into an in-demand professional speaker seemingly overnight?

Why can some speakers do a hundred keynotes a year, every year, for a decade?

Why can some speakers command fees five times what others receive?  

‍A referable speech. It's the one thing that changes everything. Referable speakers…

Read now
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Turn one free webinar into ten paid virtual keynotes.

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Transform a keynote speech into a bestselling book.

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Share their message with diverse audiences on keynote stages across the world.

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Command higher fees because they know their value and their demand in the marketplace.

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Earn new inquiries to speak at other events... every time they speak.

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Never stop upleveling their message and their speaking business.

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Don't just share your message, become a referable speaker.

The resources
we promised.

If you've already read The Referable Speaker and you're looking for access to the resources we mentioned, they're all here.

There are hundreds of ways you can make your speech better and dozens of ways you can make yourself more marketable. But the tools you'll find here will have the greatest impact on your audience's experience and your referability. And referability is the hallmark of the professional speaker and the key to a sustainable speaking business. You no longer have to make choices about your speaking career based on arbitrary guesses or unsophisticated advice. We don't promise it will be easy, but we certainly promise it’ll be worth it.

‍You have what it takes to be a referable speaker.

A woman with long, wavy blonde hair is speaking and gesturing with her right hand. She is wearing a black sleeveless top and a white watch. The background features grey and white panels.

The 7-Step Rehearsal Process

Rehearse Your Brand New Keynote

Rehearsing is hard and messy. Most of the choices you make in rehearsal don’t work the first time you try them, or the second, or even the third time. Sometimes it takes weeks of daily work on one bit before it starts to take shape. Amy Port walks you through a proven 7-step process for rehearsing and performing your visionary keynote.


Black background with a beige circle on the right side. White text in all caps reads "HOW TO REFINE AN EXISTING SPEECH" and below in smaller white text it says "Coming Soon...

The 5-Minute Method

Refine Your Existing Speech

How do you rehearse if you’re already delivering a speech?

Since a speech is never “done,” you can continually iterate. Not thirty seconds at a time, but major pieces of the entire speech. It all begins with the 5-Minute Method.

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Tell Us What You Really Think.

We're already working on the second edition of The Referable Speaker. So, if you have a question, a comment, an idea, or even a complaint, we want to hear it.

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A black book cover with a beige circle in the center. Inside the circle, the text reads "the REFERABLE SPEAKER." A thin red line extends from the left side of the circle to the edge of the cover. The book has a simple and modern design.
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